Have you ever had a shoe that was too big for your feet and you fell out of it as you walked? Did you notice that not only were you unstable while you walked but also you were plagued with blisters when you took off the shoes?
That’s not such a pleasant thing to happen!

I remember once when I was wearing a really fancy dress at a party and decided to walk over to the punch bowl with my date.
Because my shoes were too big for my feet, I stumbled and started to fall. Luckily, my date happened to catch me and I didn’t make a big spectacle of myself. However, in the process, my shoe flew off my foot and my date had to retrieve it. If anyone was watching the whole thing, they surely would have chuckled, especially at the point where my date was putting the ‘glass slipper’ back onto my foot.
Heel grips are made to prevent embarrassing incidents such as this from happening. And it’s a good thing! It makes me wonder if someone else experienced the same thing I did or wonder what inspired them to create the product.
Pedag is the company that makes a shoe insert called Pedag heel grips. Its official name is Pedag Stop Heel Grip Inserts. These heel grips can be used in everything from athletic shoes to high heel shoes. Of course, you wouldn’t ever need Pedag heel grips in boots because the boots themselves will keep you in them.
Pedag is a company that only uses natural materials in their insoles and orthotics as well as shoe inserts so you can expect that the material in the Pedag heel grips follows the same rule. The Pedag heel grips are made from leather, and it’s suede leather. Leather is a type of material that can absorb moisture so there’s a dual purpose to the Pedag heel grips. There’s also a self-adhesive backing to keep it in the shoe. They are 1-1/2 inches high by 5 inches long.
One thing to remember about Pedag heel grips is that one size fits all. They come with instructions as to where to properly place them.
There’s no use throwing out the shoes that are too large for your feet if you have the Pedag heel grips. They’ll save your wallet and save your feet.