Before you learn about metatarsal insoles, you have to know what a metatarsal is. A metatarsal is one of the long bones of the foot that runs from the tarsal bones in front of the ankle to the toe bones (called phalanges).

The metatarsals are in the middle/forefront area of your feet. Technically they are considered the forefoot but when you look down at your foot, they are close to the middle. There are five metatarsal bones. Each one leads to a toe. Now if by chance you had six toes, it’s possible that you may also have six metatarsal bones. Since joints form when two bones meet, you’ll have 10 different metatarsal joints, five that connect with the toes and five that connect with the metatarsal bones (cuboids and cuneiform’s). Tendons insert onto the metatarsal bones.
Metatarsal insoles would be insoles that support the metatarsal bones of the feet. These are cushioning type of insoles that are especially important for those who have problems with the metatarsal bones of ball of foot pain.
For example, there are nerves that run between the metatarsals. If shoes are too tight, guess what happens? The metatarsals are scrunched together and those small nerves between the metatarsals are scrunched, too. You could get pain from this.
Those nerves cry out in pain and that’s what you get – a lot of pain with every step. It’s a burning sensation of pain in many cases. If you add metatarsal insoles into your shoes, you’ll find that the pain is relieved.
The pain relief is due to the proper support of the foot – the metatarsals. There’s another condition where adding metatarsal insoles to your shoes will also make a big difference. It’s called sesamoiditis. On the big toe, there are very small sesamoid bones that help cushion and protect your feet as you walk. If those small sesamoid bones get inflamed for whatever reason, you’ll have pain in the area of the inflamed sesamoid bones. However, metatarsal insoles will speed up recovery by supporting your feet properly and provided some extra cushion.
Another few conditions that necessitate the use of metatarsal insoles include conditions where the ball of the foot hurts, Morton’s neuroma and when there’s pain in the forefoot.
Some examples of these metatarsal insoles include:
- New Balance Pressure Relief Insoles with Metatarsal Support IPR 3030
- Pedag Viva Orthotic Arch Support Insoles
- Pedag Comfort Leather Insoles
- Pedag Viva-Mini (Holiday) Orthotic Arch Support Insole
- New Balance Supportive Cushioning Insoles USA3810.
- There are even more than these but start with these metatarsal insoles.
The New Balance Pressure Relief Insoles with Metatarsal Support is body heat moldable to your foot. With extra cushioning in the forefoot this pair of insoles is perfect for any of the above-mentioned conditions. The Pedag Viva Leather Orthotic Insoles have an orthopedic design (and more rigid feel) to restore natural arch function, and the metatarsal arch of the foot is totally supported in these metatarsal insoles.

Give either the New Balance Pressure Relief Insoles with Metatarsal Support or the Pedag Viva Leather Orthotic Insoles a try and see how much faster your pain relief happens or check out all the Metatarsal Insoles at The Insole today!