Spenco Quartet Sandals
Severely injured my right foot and shredded all 8 ligaments
in both legs when truck ran me down as I was walking across
road March 2012. Doctors did not know if I would ever walk
again. While confined to bed for 2 months unable to walk, I
developed foot drop and atrophy (muscle wasting away) in
ankle and feet.
This spenco quartet sandal is the most comfortable and durable,
and the only "foot covering" I wear) 7 days a week, 12+
hours a day. they have been through Florida down pours and
countless puddles, and have stood up under the myriad of
medical creams, and lotions I apply to my feet daily, etc.,
They still look GREAT!
I'm THRILLED to have found another pair, very concerned they
might be a discontinued item. I have future foot surgeries,
and I and thankful I will have a new pair of Spenco Quartet Sandals
Women's- Straw & Natural for my feet to "come home to" after surgery.
On a tight budget, they are a little expensive - but,
for the amount of wear, support and comfort - well
worth the price!
I have not been able to wear shoes for 19 months.