When You Need a 2nd Skin
Do you remember a time when you purchased a new pair of shoes, began wearing them for a long time the next day, and then ended up with a blister? All the rubbing, chafing and friction caused a nasty open area that hurts a lot. When you looked at the blister, did you think to yourself, “If only a 2nd layer of skin could spontaneously appear and cover this blister right now, it would be healed.”

That’s the same thing that Spenco® must have thought when they created the line of products called 2nd Skin. Their gel squares, scar gels, blister kits, and scar / burn pads all use a silicone-based proprietary formula that has been shown in the research to speed up healing. And when your blister or burn begins to recover, part of that recovery process involves the creation of new skin. That’s where the name, 2nd Skin, came from.
Research studies on silicone gels show they are the most effective at stimulating recovery of the skin in wounds. They’re more effective than corticosteroids, which may decrease inflammation, but really decrease the amount of collagen in the tissues. Thus, the area won’t heal as it should with decreased collagen.
The silicone provides the element called silica, which is essential for connective tissue to be created, maintained and recover from injury. When the gel covers the area, it protects the open area from becoming infected. The silicone gel helps flatten and fade scars, too, so you can be wearing sandals in very little time. Even keloid scars or the reddened scars called hypertrophic scars will smooth out and soften from the silicone in the 2nd Skin products.
Gel circles, squares and rectangles and pressure pads protect areas where the skin has worn away and allow them to heal. When using the soft hydrocolloid pads, they only need to be changed once every five days. The 2nd Skin Moist Pads cool the area that is burning immediately after you place it on the skin.
The Spenco 2nd Skin Product line includes the following:
Spenco 2nd Skin Blister Kit and Blister Kits – Sports
Spenco 2nd Skin Dressing Kit
Spenco 2nd Skin Moist Burn Pads and Scar Pads
Spenco 2nd Skin 3” Gel Circles, Gel 1” Squares and 2” x 3” Rectangles
Spenco 2nd Adhesive Knit and Sports Adhesive Knit
Spenco 2nd AquaHeal Hydrogel Bandages-6 Pack and Sports 6-Pack
Spenco 2nd AquaHeal Hydrogel Bandages-Small
Spenco 2nd Scar Gel 15 mg Pump and Scar Gel 80 mg Pump
Having these 2nd Skin products available at the time of your need is a big key to very rapid healing. Stocking up insures your rapid healing.