10 months ago I started a new job working for The Insole Store doing bookkeeping. I have never worn an insole in my life; thankfully that was not a requirement for the job.
I was given an insole sample for dress shoes with arch support and told to write an article about it I said, I am a bookkeeper not an article writer:
Cut to now. I feel like after 10 months in the business and wearing one pair of insoles for a few months, I might be able to say something worth a grain of salt.
I did not know anything about my feet. I have always bought shoes that I like and are not expensive, and I have never really had a problem, so why would I need insoles?
The insoles that I was given were Powerstep Slender Fit, which were designed specifically for women to alleviate foot pain and discomfort associated with fashion footwear. I was told that this insole would be good for me. I have a high arch foot, and I wear 2 to 3 inch (enclosed) heals most of the time. The first thing that I noticed was the arch support. At first I thought this is not going to work; my arch was feeling stretched, but it was nice to have the extra cushioning in the metatarsal area. I was told to give it a couple of days, and if I started to have pain in my legs it was not the right insole for me. So I gave it a

couple of days. I started to not feel them at all, I would move them for from one pair of shoes to another, and now I won’t wear my heals without them.
My father asked me the other day if insoles really work, and I had to say yes,they have really helped with my arch support (which I did not know I needed), and extra cushioning will never be a problem for me.
In writing this Powerstep SlenderFit Insoles Review article, I read a few articles on our web site and learned even more about my feet and what I should be paying attention to. I am now starting to look at other insoles to wear to help with my high arch, I do think that it would be best to learn more about your feet and to make an informed decision on what is best for you and your type of foot, or in my case just learn what type of foot you have and what you might need to do to keep your feet in good condition for the many years you will have ahead of you. Also, you may consider going up a 1/2 shoe size for tighter fitting heeled shoes and boots or going with individual high heel inserts.
For someone like myself, the Powerstep Slender Fits for women feel great.