One of the first pair of insoles and orthotics I got recently was from the Pedag line. If you’re anything like me, you may feel that whatever is close to your body – clothes, makeup, shoes, or orthotic – you want it as close to natural as possible. You may have had enough instances in your life when using synthetic products didn’t work out for you and you were convinced not to make the same mistake again.
The Pedag line is perfect for you if you want something that’s natural. All the materials they use in the composition of this line of orthotics and insoles and inserts are totally natural – merlino wool, leather, angora, hypoallergenic latex, vegetable tanned sheepskin, and water-based adhesives. They don’t use any nanoparticles of anything either, and this makes me happy because nanoparticles really aren’t natural. If our body was meant to absorb miniscule particles of anything, then nanoparticles would already be found in nature. I’m grateful that the Pedag line of thinking for the Pedag orthotics and insoles matches up to what many consumers want these days.
The Pedag line has orthotics and insoles such as the Pedag Viva-Mini Holiday. This one is for fallen arches. If you already have fallen arches, you may know that they can lead to plantar fascitits, foot pain, tendonitis, spurs in the heels, or even pain that continues to travel up your body and make its way to your ankle, knee, hip or back.
The Pedag Viva-Mini Holiday fits in my high heels and is comfortable because of its construction and the materials it’s made out of. I had been having some heel pain and used the Pedag Perfect Heel cushion in my shoes for a while as well. (By the way, the Pedag line also includes Pedag Point Heel Spur Inserts for those with heel spurs, not just heel pain.)

These two (Pedag Viva-Mini Holiday and Pedag Perfect Heel) relieved my hip pain that started when I foolishly purchased a pair of Rockers Shoes. The Rocker Shoes threw my body alignment off from head to toe that lasted for months after I finally figured out it was the Rocker Shoes causing it. However, the Pedag orthotics and insoles began to get my alignment back once I started wearing them in my shoes. First I simply noticed I felt better and could stand straighter. I added the Pedag Step Arch Support which has self-adhesive backing to fit right into the shoe. It’s also made from sheepskin leather and the actual arch is from moss rubber.
After a few weeks I noticed my hip pain had decreased to fewer incidents during the day. Then about a month later, it was only a few times a week, and a few more incidents where I’d step incorrectly and feel that shearing pain that makes one wonder about what could be terribly wrong with the hip. And now after another few months, my posture is a lot better and the pain is only occasional.
Orthotics and inserts in the Pedag line could be customized for your feet, too.