I grew up in Florida and have had my diving certification for 12 years now. You wouldn’t think that North Carolina has many places inland to go dive other than the coast, but getting back into it, there are a handful of quarries which are home to a lot of fish that like to keep you company!

My first dive back in the water after about 10 years, I learned very quickly that my plantar fasciitis did not like my dive boots and fins! It was so bad, I actually had to start wearing my night splint to bed again!
Working in Customer Service for TheInsoleStore.com on and off these past 4 years, I’ve noticed that we get a lot of questions about insoles that are waterproof. Unfortunately, there isn’t something specifically made that is waterproof, but a handful of insoles are more or less water resistant. Something had to give.
Planning for my second dive trip this past weekend, I had one of those “Aha!” moments, we carry the OS1st FS4 Plantar Fasciitis Socks, why not give those a try? Well guess what, they are now the best purchase I’ve made and will be in my arsenal of diving gear for the rest of my life!

Not only did I get the support I needed under 40 feet of water, but after 3 hours of kicking around when it came time to go home, I had absolutely no pain! Later that evening? Still no pain! With their low-bulk profile, they easily fit under my wetsuit and into my diving boots.

Next time you have to go play in the water, I highly recommend taking a pair of the OS1st Plantar Fasciitis Socks with you whether you have plantar fasciitis like me, or even something as simple as foot fatigue, arch pain, heel pain. You shouldn’t do what you love and have to pay for it later!
Check out all of the great OS1st products that we carry, at TheInsoleStore.com!