When you first look at Oofos sandals, you may think, Hmmm, they look like any other ordinary sandals, right?

Wrong. These Oofos sandals are orthopedically-designed sandals. Ordinary sandals aren’t good for your feet. Did you know that for decades, podiatrists have been telling people to stop wearing sandals, especially tongs? The lack of support ends up causing foot problems down the road.
I know this is true because not only is there research to back that, but a friend of mine decided to wear flimsy sandals for a year. He started in the summer and then living in California with an easy winter, he continued wearing the sandals well into fall and at home during the winter. He said his feet were comfortable in them.
And then suddenly in the spring, about 8 months after he started wearing them, he began complaining about knee pain. His doctor of course wanted to do surgery of some sort. I mentioned to him that his shoes weren’t supporting his feet very well and it could be a cause of cartilage in the knee wearing out, and suggested some cartilage-building supplements.
After he changed his belief that the flimsy sandals were supporting his feet properly, he started wearing shoes and orthotics to give him more support. Oofos sandals hadn’t come on the market yet at that time. And as a result, his feet started feeling better. His knee never needed surgery either.
Oofos sandals are really spelled Oofos sandals. It’s a silly name, that’s true, but there’s nothing silly about the Oofos sandals. They’re designed by smart minds well-versed in the biomechanics of the foot and shoe construction. The OOFOS family mission is to make you feel better.
So now take another look at the line of Oofos sandals at http://www.theinsolestore.com/oofos-sandals.html and look carefully. Do you see the arch support? Do you see the toe support?
Oofos sandals are machine washable, yet water-resistant, which means the dirt is washed off them in the washer while the Oofos sandal doesn’t become waterlogged. You know how gym shoes get waterlogged in the washer? That doesn’t happen to these Oofos sandals. They’re wash and wear.
The Oofos line of sandals is also versatile with different colors other than black, brown or tan. You’ll find them in tangerine, fuchsia, and aquamarine. Ideal for the beach because again, they won’t get waterlogged. Oofos clogs and slides are also available.

Leave the old antiquated sandals and tongs of the past in the past where they belong with your foot problems. Move into the new era of Oofos sandals. And make yourself happy.