When your work involves very little deskwork, you’ll need insoles for standing all day. The reason is explained in terms of the posture of your feet or biomechanics.

Just like you have posture for your body, your feet have their own posture. The bones of your feet should be perfectly aligned in a nicely arched bridge. At sometime in your life, you must have seen nicely arched bridges that begin falling down. Their structure collapses. The same thing can happen with the arches of your feet.
Arches that are weak to start with may be required to withstand forces on them during the day that make them begin to collapse. Gravity is one of those forces and when body weight is added to the force of gravity, in combination with standing for long periods of time, it’s a setup for the medial longitudinal arch to fall. The muscles of your feet and legs hold the bones in place and if they are overworked, then little by little they’ll ‘give out’, causing a collapse.
In one research center at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas,
Researchers knew that army men need not only good boots for walking and marching but also insoles for standing all day. There’s a high percentage of new recruits that end up suffering from sore feet from all the demands of the work. They may have flat feet going into the army, or develop the flat feet there.
The researchers commented in their research report that if the tendon of the tibialis posterior muscle fails (is overworked, develops tendonitis or rupture), then there will be collapse of the arch of the foot. (Having insoles for standing all day with the proper arch support can prevent the flat feet from occurring because they are a crutch for the feet.)
However, there’s another ligament of the foot that may be injured when the foot can’t meet the excessive demands of standing all day long. That ligament is called the spring ligament, and it’s located on the bottom of the foot between the heel and the navicular bone. When the spring ligamentweakens and ruptures, the whole arch collapses. This ligament may tear without an accompanying tear in the tibialis posterior muscle.

In the army study, the spring ligament tear occurred in six patients with an average age of 42 years old. They had had foot pain in the arch area of the foot for over 2 years before the army doctors found the problem.
If you’re in a job that depends on standing, it’s critical to have supportive insoles for standing all day. By using the supportive insoles for standing, you’ll be boosting up the arch of your foot – like fixing the bridge that is falling down by reinforcing it. The supportive insoles for standing can relieve your foot pain.
Your feet right now may be in one of two possible states:
1) the arch has already fallen (or is a high arch)
2) the tibialis posterior or spring ligament has suffered from overwork or is not as strong as it should be.
You may even have normal arches in your feet but the demands of your job command that you wear supportive insoles for standing all day. These devices can change your life. Imagine a day where you don’t even think about the foot pain you are having.
Supportive insoles for standing all day are one of the best investments you can ever make.
Source: Orr, J.D., Nunley, J.A. 2nd. Isolated spring ligament failure as a cause of adult-acquired flatfoot. Foot Ankle Int 2013 June;34(6):818-23.