You have a wide selection of insoles for Sperry shoes available to you that you may not realize.

Sperry shoes for women and Sperry boots for women make a high fashion statement. And there’s such a variety of Sperry shoes to literally go with every outfit you have for outdoors and boating activities. From slip-on tri-tone boat shoes to Hikerfish and Hungtley Boots, and from Bailey Wedge to Dylan Boots, Marlow Boots and Chelton Booties, your shoe closet could never have enough of these high-end pairs of footwear.
But there’s something you have to remember about all Sperry shoes and boots – you still have to get your own customized insoles for Sperry products.
Here’s a list of four different types of insoles for Sperry products that you could use:
- Pedag Angora Insoles – These are 100% natural Angora Rabbit Wool. What better way to add a bit more luxury to your high-fashion Sperry shoes or Sperry boots? The silky-soft feeling is real – and 3 millimeters thick. They even fit well in shoes that aren’t Sperry, such as ballet shoes or slippers. By the way, Angora rabbits are sheared regularly; no animals were killed to create these insoles.
- Pedag insoles also makes replacement insoles for Sperry called Pedag Summer Insoles. These are terrycloth and have a latex bottom layer. The Pedag insoles are great for sweaty feet and hand washable.
- Powerstep® SlenderFit Fashion Orthotic Insoles are another type of replacement insoles for Sperry. The SlenderFit Fashion Orthotic Insoles are slender so you can wear them in your high heels, too. They’re ¾ length orthotic arch supports and great if you desire extra cushioning, arch support, and a heel cradle that stabilizes your foot when you walk. And you can hand wash them, too.
- Spenco® Comfort Replacement Insoles will also fit into shoes and may replace your present insoles (for Sperry). These are another pair of washable insoles. It will improve your foot comfort from toe to heel, reducing friction and absorbing shock as you walk. And it’s lightweight. This one is one of the favorite insoles for Sperry boots, shoes, and boat shoes that the American Podiatric Association recommends.
You don’t need the Sperry Company to make all your insoles. By using replacement insoles for Sperry boat shoes, regular shoes and boots, your outdoor activities will be a lot more pleasurable.