Have you been using extra wide insoles with your extra wide shoes?

Some people are born with wide feet; some are born with narrow feet. Others have feet with normal width but they develop bunions or toe spread and then need extra wide shoes. Whatever the cause of your wide feet, one thing that you’ve probably realized is that no matter how hard you try to stuff your feet into narrow shoes, it’s not going to work. And if you still try, like we all do from time to time, the result is pain.
Another realization you may have had already is that having extra wide shoes are not enough; although they make your feet feel better, your feet still need a lot more support: whether it be from an extra-wide cushioned insoles or orthotic arch supports.
The problem starts when regular shoes, no matter how good they are or how expensive that they are, can’t possibly have the right insole for your foot when they’re mass producing shoes made for a standard foot.
There is an answer, though. It’s extra wide insoles. Luckily with technological advancements, extra wide insoles are available in all sizes and for dress shoes, athletic

shoes, and boots.
Here again, because extra wide feet aren’t the norm, the regular shoe insoles on the market won’t be right for you. Regular insoles that aren’t wide enough end up putting
pressure on your feet at the edge of the insole where your foot hangs off them, altering the biomechanics of the foot. And that leads to foot problems. For example, blistering can occur or delicate nerves may be squeezed on pressure on the foot in a certain location, causing a painful neuroma.
Your feet are the foundation of your entire skeletal structure. It is imperative to provide the best in alignment for every activity during the day other than lying down. Even when sitting, your spine needs your feet planted firmly on the floor for balance and stability. Because of this, you have one chance to get it right for the day to go right. That chance starts with good extra wide insoles to fit your extra wide shoes.
Extra wide insoles will often have heel cups to align the bones of the feet properly, arch supports, cushioning for the ball of the feet and also extra cushioning for the entire foot. But their biggest advantage is that they are wide enough for every part of your foot to benefit.
Check out the Best Selection of Extra Wide Insoles at The Insole Store.com Today!